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My leftie friend had a database which stored relevant left leaning works he believed every leftist should read. So I got jelly and decided to make one for Conservatives. I'm still updating though! 

The gdoc version can be found here:


I. What is Western Conservatism

  • Defining Conservatism




II. Philosophers/theologians who inspired Conservative European thought before the French revolution (Aristotle, Aquinas, Agustine, etc)




  • Aristotle: 

i Who is Aristotle? , Aristotle

ii. “Man is a Political Animal”: The Method of Aristotle’s Politics 

iii. Is Contemporary Conservative Political Philosophy Based on The Aristotelian Concept of Phronesis possible? 


  • Aquinas

i. Explaining Aquinas’ Five Proofs by Matt Frad

ii. Aquinas v Dawkins on God’s Existence by Matt Frad:

i. The Summa Theologica 

ii. Thomas Aquinas: Political Philosophy:

iii. Why America Need Thomas Aquinas Now, by Casey Chalk:


  • Agustine 

i. City of God


  • Thomas More 

i. Utopia 


A Defense of Classical Theology part 1: The New Atheism and the Cosmological arguments: Mathoma

Defense of Classical Theology part 2: God is not a god:

Defense of Classical Theology part 3: A critique of Scientism and naturalism:

Defense of Classical Theology part 4: Metaphysics, being, and analogy of being:

Defense of Classical Theology part 5: Change and the Act-Potency Distinction:

Defense of Classical Theology part 6: The Argument from Change:

Defense of Classical Theology part 7: The Argument from Cosmoposition


III. Conservatism as a response to the French revolution  (talk about how the French revolution forced conservatism to become reactionary) 


Conservatism (the article gives a brief history of Conservatism)


  1. Philosophers/theologians who inspired Conservative European thought after the French revolution (Burke, Kirk, etc) 

  1. How conservatism sold it’s soul for profit

  • How the modern American conservative movement has been highjacked by neo liberals and Libertarians 




  • The decline of the modern European conservative movement 




IV. Economics (include here different kinds of economic theories not incompatible with conservatism, such as distributism 





V. Issues we are currently facing in modern times and the conservative solution (And I don’t mean liberal ideology as the issue, although it is an issue in itself. We have enough reactionaries, I think, as it is, to counter liberalism. What I would like are current issues we are facing in the world today; environmental problems, consumerism, racism etc. and the conservative solutions to these problems! The left are very good at spotting problems but do have atrocious solutions to them, partly due to their worldview. I think Conservatives can learn from the left in that the left always seeks to improve and sees the flaws in the system, but what we can offer is the correct solutions due to having the correct principles.) 


  • NOTE: this study talks about why conservatives usually feel the way they do. It is not a solution to racism, but I think an interesting read for Conservatives to better understand where perhaps we can do better in some aspects. Conservatism and fairness in contemporary politics: Unpacking the psychological underpinnings of modern racism by Riley K Carney:

  • Racism, Inclusion, and Diversity: 

  1. Why Conservatism is the better solution to these problems as opposed to the left 

BOOKS: Fools, Frauds, and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New left:

  1. How to get involved (What annoys me greatly about the conservative movement now is that it seems now to be focused on making podcasters and reactionaries.  Which is fine, I suppose, but I think we should also be focused on action! What can we do to make changes in our community using conservative principles. Do you believe that we have the right to own guns, and that gun deaths are due to mentally ill people? Then what can we do to bring awareness regarding mental illness and how can we help!  In essence, how can we put out beliefs into practice!)

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